Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Well-child appointments

Rylee had her 5 year check up today. She is 44 lbs and 44.3 inches. That is 75th percentile in height and right on 50th percentile in weight. She is doing well in all categories. However, this morning we got a phone call from her preschool teacher. She left a message saying Rylee is being difficult and not wanting to participate. Rylee difficult???? No way!!! (sense my sarcasm). I am still trying to touch bases with her and actually talk. I do not know why she is being so stubborn. But she is well known around our house for being stubborn and a stinker...so we shall see what Mrs. Guthrie has to say....

JD also had his 18 month check up today. He is a whoppin' 22 lbs!!! he gained about a pound from his 15 month appointment. He is still in the 5th percentile for weight. He is still wearing a lot of 12 month clothes. If he wears 18 months pants they just fall off him as he walks. He is 32 inches tall and grew and inch and a half from 15 months old. So, although he is incredibly small, because he did grow, the doc is not concerned. He also got three shots and is very grumpy.

The end.

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