Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Grandma and Grandpa Brower's visit

The last time we saw Grandma and Grandpa Brower our family looked like this (minus Spencer and adding our other in-laws Brian, Amy, Bo, and Payton)a year and a half later...here we are!!
We are so happy that Grandma and Grandpa took the time and sacrificed so we could see them. The kids ABSOLUTELY LOVED having them here. I captured some moments on camera.

Rylee is showing off her beautiful new tutu....
The kids LOVED story time with both Grandma and Grandpa..."Llama Llama red pajama reads a story with his mama...." (I think they will be happy not to have to read a Llama Llama book for a while )

hahaha...I caught Bob snoozing quite a few times in the chair :)
I have to say that Bob is such an awesome Grandpa and father. Seeing him interact with his grandkids brought such a big smile to my face. Spencer has such a wonderful example of a patriarch and father to look up to.
Last night we decorated the tree together
Here they are watching the grandkids have fun
Grandpa gave the kids a bath almost every night. He was such a big help!
Grandma made us a beautiful advent calendar
We truly, absolutely LOVED having Grandma and Grandpa come stay and spend some quality time with us. Thank you for coming! As soon as I got back in the car from helping them take their bags into the airport Rylee says "mommy, I already miss Grandma and Grandpa Brower." It is true...we already miss you. We love you tons and can't wait until we see you again...

1 comment:

D and C said...

You guys are seriously the cutest family EVER. I love that you love your in-laws. That is so important. Love that you guys had a great time.