Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving Day festivities

Another Kelley family Turkey Day is in the books. This year we were blessed with my mother and father-in-law being in town to celebrate it with us. We were minus my sister Trina and her fabulous family and Kevin and his wonderful family. Warning: LOTS of pictures...

Skyler getting ready for the snow with all his cousins.

Blake, Rylee, KC, Brayden
Blake being buried by his cousins

Skyler being.....a dork :)
Skyler and Kylan wrestling

Ry got cold 5 minutes later, then wanted to go back out when she saw how much fun they were having...I wouldn't let her, so she had to watch from the window
Cleaning up after all the yummy grub

my HOTT little sister
My amazing mother-in-law making something advent calendar
Scott with JD and Sarah's little guy Pryce
They kept kissing each other
Ahhh...he's growin' up, and mighty handsome too

Brayden and JD
Smile boys
Skyler proving he's "much taller" than his dad

JD, Kylan, B, and KC
Look at Sky...but Katie and Manda look amazing as always

JD table dancing :) He's so skinny his pants never stay on for me

So Skyler the whole time kept saying "We've got a situation" and rubbing he pecks, stomach and showing us his muscular arms. He also kept saying phrases like "that's beast," "yo dawg" etc....he's such a teenage boy..but he definitely makes us laugh
It was a good day with loved ones and great food! I am so grateful to have such an amazing and fun family! Trina, Colata, Jada, Gabe, Kevin, Ashley, Liza, and Luke- you were all greatly missed

1 comment:

Katrina said...

Wished we were there! It looks like everyone had so much fun!