Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas Eve we had a yummy dinner and of course, we read the story of Christ's birth in the scriptures. Then the kids got to open their two presents before bed. Spencer's family always opened p.j.'s on Christmas Eve as a child, so we carry on that tradition.

And I started a tradition a couple years ago giving the kids something to sleep year it was blankets, one year a pillow, and this year....huge pillow pets!

Here are the kids Christmas morning with their stockings

Everyone seeing what Santa brought them in their stockings
And presents. I didn't get very many pics. Spencer was video taping, and I was handing out the here are the couple we got

Christmas day Kelley tradition. First presents from Grandma and Grandpa Kelley

and then we played Bingo and Bunco and ate some yummy food.
Another great Christmas is now in the books!

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