Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Here it is mom...took me long enough huh??

A couple of weeks ago me and siblings put on a surprise 40th anniversary party for our parents. I told mom I would post the slideshow I made for them on my blog so she could share it with all her friends and family that were not able to attend. As yesterday was their actual 40th anniversary, I thought I better post it and stay true to my word. The slideshow turned out awesome, but the party and surprise were even better!

Happy 40 years years mom and dad! Thanks for everything!


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!!! That totally made me cry!!! What a wonderful tribute to your amazing parents. It's beautiful...the legacy they are leaving. Forty years. It's so incredible!! Thanks for sharing it!! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Greaty job Heather! A wonderful video!

Monica Davis Bowman said...

Wow! What a great slide show and the song was wonderful too! Awesome job and congrats to your parents!