Thursday, February 3, 2011

Basketball Season

Blake started Y ball again this week. Tonight at practice, while scrimmaging, he made 3 baskets and was very happy. He didn't score much last year and they pretty much just ran up and down the court, so I am excited to see him play this year. He is already showing improvement and I just love how happy he is playing and what a hard worker he is!

DEFENSE!!! He is a good little defender...
They had to practice at a 10 foot hoop tonight and he still was able to score (at their age it is a 8 foot hoop).

I love to cheer for him. And as we found out from Ry tonight at practice (when I had to tell her to stop yelling at her brother) she said, "but I love bossing him around." Whatever the coach said or I yelled, she thought she had to keep repeating. I had to explain the difference between cheering and yelling and being bossy. I had to remind her a couple times tonight :) Blake didn't notice, but it's probably a good thing he didn't...

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