Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Weekend Getaway

This past weekend Spencer and I were able to have a little time to ourselves. Back in December (when it was our anniversary) Spencer asked me where I would want to go on a mini vacation if I could go anywhere. It didn't take me long to give him my answer. I wanted to go to Utah and visit these 3.....

So we planned a weekend that worked with my mom's schedule and it just happened to fall on Valentine's Day weekend. So, we killed two birds with one stone :) Here are some pics of our fun times....

Their one year old little girl, Emma. She is such a good baby and beautiful, might I add
Fun times in the car. On the way to do some shopping in Park City. I think D was covering her nose here.....someone kept....well.....stinking up the car.....
We had a nice dinner at a place called Tucanos. We waited for two hours....but the food was GOOD!

The restaurant gave us chocolate covered strawberries and roses before we left. So we acted a little silly for the camera man.....
This is supposed to be us being a tiger....I kinda just look crippled
And Saturday, we went to an awesome and intense BYU vs. Utah game. Super fun and then we went to a place called Cafe Rio (my new favorite restaurant of all-time).

Sunday, we went to church and just chilled. Monday we went to Cafe Rio again, before we left for the airport. And we went on a long drive finding a canyon, but it just made us all sick. It was very hard for me to say good bye to by BFF. We had so much fun together. I gotta say, it was REALLY nice watching my hubby have so much fun with Christian. It made me smile just watching him laugh the way he did ALL weekend. I haven't seen him laugh and have such a good time in a very long time. We LOVE the Munoz's and had sooooo much fun. Can't wait to see you again.

A special thanks to my mama. For without her, this much needed weekend would not have been possible! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!

1 comment:

D and C said...

We are SOOOOOO glad you guys came. It was the highlight of our 2011. Can't wait to do it again!!!
Love you so much.