Saturday, March 5, 2011

Funny kid

So this after noon, Rylee and I were on my bed playing a game together when JD came running and crying into the room. He kept falling as he was running to the bed and I didn't know why until I saw him.

This is him very upset (and the pic caught Ry in the background sticking her tongue out because I had to stop the game to help him). I just happened to have my camera right next to me so I took some pics :)

What's inside his shirt you might ask? Why is he so upset? Why was he falling over while he was running? Any guesses?
CARS!!! He stuck ALL the cars he was playing with in the playroom into his shirt. LOL. It was hilarious to see him looking like Santa Claus with a big belly!

He was happy as soon as I told him it was OK and we could get them out.
Here are some of the cars...there were probably 2o stuffed in his shirt.
He's now happy again! Silly boy!

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