Monday, April 25, 2011


I love Easter. I love it because of the real meaning we celebrate it. I am grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ, who suffered immeasurable amounts for us all, and on the 3rd day was resurrected. I am so grateful that He did this so that I can return to live with my Heavenly Father again some day. I look forward to the day when I will come face to face with Christ, look him in His eyes, and be able to thank Him for everything He did for me. I am grateful my children are gaining their own testimonies of this miraculous event. Blake had tears in his eyes during the Sacrament yesterday because he was finally comprehending everything our Savior did for us. As he asked questions, I answered. I know he felt it. He kept barring his head into my lap, so people wouldn't see him cry. I am so thankful for sweet, innocent little interactions with my children that help strengthen my own testimony. I know my Savior lives! Hope you all had a wonderful Easter too!

I also love making and having traditions with my kids around the are some pics of our fun yesterday

Before church I got a quick pic with two of my cuties!Almost EVERY TIME I ask him to smile or say "cheese" this is the smile I get! I think it's adorable, but he will probably hate it when he is older and looking at all the pics from the last few months and all he sees are these cheesy grins!
Easter egg hunt.....
"Uh mom, I can't reach..."

Showing off their loot
Our crazy family!!!
We had a yummy Easter dinner too, but I didn't get any pics of that!

1 comment:

D and C said...

Such a beautiful family. Glad your easter was good. Cute cute pic's. LOVE YOU.