Sunday, April 10, 2011

He's Two!!!

Well, not quite yet, but he will be tomorrow! (and I leave out of town so I can't post on his bday). I can't believe my baby is 2! He has been such a joy in our lives since the moment we found out we were having a baby! I still remember the day he was born like it was yesterday. He is so special to us and we know we are so blessed to have him.

We thank our Father in Heaven every day for giving us one of his precious children. He is such a little character and has the cutest personality in the world! I don't know exactly how much he weighs, but a couple weeks ago he was 25 lbs. (his check up is on the 27th). He is talking a ton. He repeats everything you say. His favorite phrases right now are:
"Wywee (Rylee), Bake (Blake), where are you?"
"Wywee, come back!"
"Stop, NO!"
"mote (remote) watch Dora."
"Thank you!" ( he says this all the time, he's so polite).
"wanna fight?"
and soooo many more.
He loves fruit. He loves water. He loves Ramen noodles. He loves playing with my hair (or any woman's hair, especially as he is falling asleep or needs comforting). He loves playing "tackle" with his daddy, brother, and sister. He loves to cuddle. He loves to run and climb on top of everything. He loves to make his mommy very tired :)

Can you tell he loves to do a cheesy grin just about every time I take a pic?

What a sweet child of God we have been blessed with. Happy 2nd Birthday Little Bud! We love you very much!

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