Tuesday, April 5, 2011


So this week is Spring Break. Yesterday, I made the kids wash walls for 3 hours and clean their rooms to earn some fun stuff for us to do the rest of the break. (Don't worry, they had breaks here and there and also had lunch in that amount of time). Blake was a stud. All he kept saying was, "OK mom, that's done. Now what do you want me to do?" Rylee was another story. I had to continue to help her remember why she was doing "all this hard, hard work." So today we went to the children's museum downtown. The kids love that place. Here are some pics of the fun the kids were having.JD running from me. That kid cannot be still for two seconds!

Rylee wearing her costume on stage and performing her song for us
Blake playing in the hut

JD sat down to "read" a story to a baby....he's so cute :)
Playing "house"
Blake went over to the art area towards the end and made some beautiful paintings
Our three little munchkins playing "house" inside the hut.

Mobius is a fun place to go for the kids. They have lots for them to do there especially since the kids like imaginative play so much.
Does anyone have any other fun ideas for Spring Break. I am trying to do something fun with them every day this week....you know, since they earned it :)

1 comment:

Crystyne said...

Nope, no ideas here. If you get any more ideas let me know. Mason told Jeff yesterday when he got home from work that he had a REALLY boring day. Maybe that was a hint. What do you think?