Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Still making progress....

Although the scale was not my friend for this past week, the measuring tape was! There was no difference on the scale BUT I lost two inches in my waist and 1/4 to 1/2 inches on various other places on my body this past week. When I first weighed myself, I was so disappointed (although I knew I'd plateau, I just didn't know it would be so soon), but then we measured and I was happy :) So things are still going well. I have lost 8.2 pounds and I am in my 7th week. I am up to 525 crunches every morning and 27 minutes jogging among other things that I do. I can definitely feel a huge difference in how I feel and I can do more active things without getting out of breath. I still have a long way to go to meet my final goal, but I am making baby steps and that is what really matters. JD and Rylee were doing push ups with me this morning...I didn't get any pics, but I will try the next time because they were soooo adorable. Anyways, My goal is to run in a 5 k soon but there are none anytime soon (except Bloomsday but that is on a Sunday). Unless you know of one, let me know. I Googled it and it looks like I missed the one that was last week.....

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