So remember awhile back, when I took Ry in to see the Dr for her fatigue? During that appointment I happened to mention that she complains of ankle pain occasionally, often enough to make me start to think something was up. I was just listing all the symptoms she has and things she complains of to be thorough. The Dr checked out her ankle, then sent us to get an x-ray. I just thought he was being very thorough himself. Much to my surprise, they called back saying they spotted a lesion on her ankle. They wanted to do an MRI. We got the results from that and they said she would most likely need a cast and possibly surgery. We saw the pediatric podiatrist today. From my understanding this is what he told us. She has osteochondritis dissicans in her foot ( huge divot in bone). He said most of the time things like this will heal, but for some reason, she in not. It must have been caused by some trauma- he asked if she had been in a car accident or anything. I do not recall her hurting least not enough to have been imprinted in my brain. He said that he has never seen or heard of this condition being in someone so young. So he suggested that we cast it first before we look at surgery, hoping that it will heal if it is not used. He didn't sound to confident though. He said there is still a good chance she will need surgery, but he wanted to try all the less invasive things first. He said that if we do not take care of this now, she could have major problems in the future and always have arthritis in her foot. He said he does not think that it is a tumor, so that was good news. He said he knows that it stinks, but she has to be in a cast for at least 2 months. But he did put her in a walking cast, so it comes with a little shoe to wear with it. He did it because he didn't want me to have to carry her everywhere! I really appreciate that Dr! He was great!

Signing her cast and writing love notes to her

Bath time was a little tricky tonight. Actually, getting her OUT of the bath was the hard part. I almost fell in, trying to get her out :) She has already been in tears, has already felt left out (kids going through the sprinkle, pool), has already hurt her other foot, already got a big cut on her big toe on her casted foot, has already complained, and has already needed to be scratched multiple times where we can't reach. Oh, and her wardrobe is a little difficult to get on her! Dresses and skirts will be her summer attire! Poor girl. I feel bad for her! Please keep her in your prayers so she won't have to have surgery.
my poor Riley. She is TOTALLY in our prayers. Poor thing. You are in my prayers too. This is going to be a rough couple of months, but you know it will be worth it.
Poor girl. I will pray for her. Hopefully she will not need surgery!
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