Monday, November 5, 2012

More than half way

For those who don't check Facebook or just didn't see the video,
the verdict is in............

this pregnancy is going by very quickly.  We are very excited and I absolutely LOVE having older children who are completely excited for a new baby.  They ask questions all the time, talk to my belly, and give us some very strange name suggestions!  Jaxton's favorite name right now is Dodeeeee or Super Baby.  The other two give us names that I really just don't like, i.e Rachel or alyssa.  They aren't bad names, just names I don't see our daughter having.  When we decide on a name, it will be a secret until she comes in March.  I needed something to surprise people with since Spencer wanted to find out the gender.  (well, we honestly needed to find out since I have gotten rid of practically everything baby). And there are absolutely NO good baby thrift store around here!!!!  I miss all the ones in Spokane :(  We went thrift store shopping and the couple we went to want like $3 for a onsie or little jammie and why in the world would I pay that at a used store when I can buy it brand new for about one dollar more or even cheaper on clearance?  Anyways, we are very excited to meet her in March!!!

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