Saturday, October 2, 2010

I actually made something and it turned out----CUTE!

Tonight Katie and I went to a friend's house from the ward and she taught us how to make flower and bow clips for hair. I think they turned out quite cute and am kinda in shock that something I made that was crafty actually is cute, lol. They weren't too difficult either. Well, the flowers weren't hard, but the bows (the top 4 and towards the left), let's just say, I wanted to pull my hair out!Rylee was soooo excited because I made them for her. I will probably wear one here or there, but they are mostly for her. This one was her favorite.
I put all 15 in her hair so I could get them better on camera and it looked like a bouquet

I am impressed they turned out, and I did all of these in 3 hours, for about $10. Pretty cool.....


D and C said...

Those are SUPER cute!!! Seriously cute. I want some for Emma. Will you teach me how to do that when we are in Disney Land in April. That would be fun. L.A. craft time! lol!!!

Crystyne said...

Those are really cute! Maybe you could teach me?