Thursday, January 13, 2011


7 years ago I went through one of the most painful experiences in my life! It is a day I will never forget. Although the pain was extreme, that's not the reason it is so memorable for me. I will never forget that day because it brought me one of the biggest blessings in my life.
This little man....
ahhhh!!! Nice first family photo huh???

Now he is this big!!! And it makes me happy, but I am also a little sad too! He's growing up too fast!

Blake is a great kid and so much fun! We are so blessed! Happy 7th Birthday Bud!!!!!


Anonymous said...

HOw sweet! He is super cute too! can you believe how fast they grow?!

Anonymous said...

Awwww!! I remember the day of that first photo! I remember peeking out from the waiting room and seeing them put the little guy into the warming bed and I started to cry then! And now look at him!! Such a handsome, big boy!!! It's so hard to believe, but it has been a fun 7 years watching him grow and learn. You have the cutest children and I love them dearly!!

D and C said...

I cannot believe he is 7. He was such a beautiful baby. You are doing a fantastic job my friend. I love reading about his little personality. So glad he was born.
Love you guys.