Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Birthday Boy is Here!!!

Blake turned 7 on the 13th. I can't believe we have a seven year old. (I'll be saying the phrase "I can't believe we have a ______year old every year, I think). It really is crazy how time flies! On his Birthday morning he opened family gifts in the morning before school. And he kept using classic phrases in the 3rd person like "the Birthday boy would like some more milk please." "The Birthday boy wants his sister to stop touching him." "mom, the Birthday boy would like to go to dinner tonight." and to top it off, when we got to his classroom, he walked in a yelled with his fists in the air, "The Birthday boy has arrived!" He sure does make us laugh!

After school and before dinner, he got to open Aunt Rogene and Uncle Joe's gift. He loved it! his exact words were "IT'S AWESOME!!!!"
His party was two days later. And because it was two days later, he continued to play the whole Birthday boy card for the entire 3 days! We just had a couple of his closest friends over. Much more low key than last year. Last year was waaaaaay overboard!
This pic below makes me laugh because as Blake was opening his presents, monkey boy JD climbed on his chair and started to open the next gift. He apparently thought Blake was taking too long or something :)
Cake time!
He LOVED this present!! I think we have a future SWAT team member, FBI agent, or police officer in our midst!
It was a great day 7 years ago and it was also a great day this year. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUD!!!

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