Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Passion

My passion. I absolutely love my kids and I love to take pictures of them. Of course they make taking pictures of them pretty easy because they are so beautiful. However, JD is not so easy. I did get a couple good ones, but there are about 30 that I either did not post or erased because he was moving or not looking. I can't wait until he can sit still like his brother and sister and I can REALLY take some good photos of the three of them, together. But for now, these will have to do :)


D and C said...

Those need to be blown up and framed. SUPER CUTE. You do have beautiful children and you are getting REALLY good with that camera. Love you guys.

LaddandKatieMarshall said...

so cute! great job--its hard to get three kids to look in the same direction let alone smile!