Sunday, February 6, 2011

"Stud Muffin"

This morning Blake wanted to "do his hair." He wanted his hair to look like his friend's from school. He called it a mohawk, although it really isn't one. I've heard it referred to as a faux-hawk, but I don't even know if that is correct....Anyways, his hair is quite short, but I did my best to get gel in it and make it stick up a little. After we were done, he looked into the mirror and said, "wow, I'm a stud muffin."

Well, I sure think he is, but maybe I'm a little bias :)


Unknown said...

very handsome young man!

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness....he is SOOO cute! You will have to be careful when those girls come after him! He really is a good-looking kid!