Sunday, March 27, 2011

He Finally Lost It!!!!

So Blake has had a fairly loose tooth for a while now. A couple weeks ago, his teacher (knowing he was the only one in the class that hadn't lost a tooth yet) came to me and said that they were planning on having the children write personal narratives that week on losing their first tooth. I told her it was fine and Blake could write about trying to lose a tooth. That night we tried really hard to lose it, but to no avail. Since then he has eaten many apples, we've wiggled and wobbled it a ton, and he even said "just throw the basketball in my face, mom." He REALLY wanted to lose it. Well, tonight, after reading with the kids and waiting for their brownies to cool off, I pulled out the floss again. Blake was so afraid. At one point, I had almost gotten it when he screamed like a girl. Then he ran away and cried (more like whimpered). Katie then came up and continued to try to get him to let her try and pull it out (I had given up by that point, thinking he just wasn't ready, although I knew his tooth was). My dad suggested putting ice on his gums and then Blake allowed Katie to try. After two attempts, it was out! He was sooooo happy!!

So tonight I got to play the Tooth Fairy for the vary first time! It was fun. This was the note the Tooth Fairy left him:

March 27, 2011


Thank you for your tooth. I was very excited to come to your house tonight. I hope I was not too noisy. I loved your letter. Thank you very much. You look so handsome!

You were so brave today. Everybody was
so proud of you. You did wonderfully. I bet you are very
proud. I know that it was a little scary. It will be a little easier with

your next tooth.

I am leaving you a little money in exchange for your

tooth. It is a little “extra” this time because it is you first tooth.

Thank you very much for being so brave tonight. I will leave this first tooth for

you because you asked me to, but next time can I have your shiny tooth

to add to my collection?

Remember to always floss and keep brushing and to take good care of your teeth!!! They are so precious to me! I can’t wait to come back! Until next time.....


The Tooth Fairy


1 comment:

Crystyne said...

Way to go Blake! I love the letter you left him. What a good idea. I am so glad I have others to get good ideas from. Mason is very curious as to when he is going to loose his first tooth. His bff aka Brennen Frank as already lost his first tooth, so Mason really wants to loose one too. I laughed out loud reading the part where he asked you to throw a basketball at his mouth. What a funny little guy you have!