Monday, March 21, 2011

a tidbit about me

I really never post about me...Probably because my kids are my life and I love talking about them. If I do post about myself, it usually is about being sick or something. But today I am going to change that a tad. I am going to tell you about an accomplishment I have made! I have had success in something that I have been doing for only 2 weeks now. Something I thought I couldn't do, but have done, and hope to continue! I have lost 4.6 lbs!!! Yay! 2 weeks ago I decided I was gonna do it, and do it full force this time, you know, not stop after 2 days or have excuses as to why I can't work out ( I don't have time, my kids won't leave me alone, I'm tired, etc.). So, I have had some success. I am happy and shocked that when I got on the scale again this morning, I had dropped another 2.2 lbs from last Monday. My goal is 20-30 lbs. I'm not gonna tell you my starting weight because that is just, well, embarrassing. But I will give updates occasionally and definitely post in a few months when I reach my goal. On to a healthier and therefore happier me....I am excited!


Crystyne said...

Good for you Heather! I think we could all do better with our eating and exercising habits! I look forward to reading your updates on your success!

D and C said...

That is AWESOME Heather. You are skinny now, but as long as YOu are happy. lol.

noelle said...

Way to go, that is AWESOME!!!