Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My little helper and laundry

I have a little helper almost every time I do laundry.....well, anytime I do anything, for that matter :)
Anyways, this is Jaxton's way of "helping" me do the laundry.

1. Sort the laundry (resort and mix up the laundry mommy already sorted)
2. Put clothes in the washer ( put random things in the washer when mommy has it open to put clothes in it)
3. Put the soap and softener in (while mommy is putting in the soap and the softener, close the drawer thingy really fast so it spills everywhere).
4. Turn on the wash (after mom sets it and turns it on, keep pushing the off/pause button)
5. After they wash, put the clothes in the dryer (repeats step 2 with the random things)
6. Turn on dryer (repeats step 4 with on/off button)
7. Fold the laundry (while mommy is folding, throw all the clothes up in the air and then off the bed. Mess up the piles as much as possible).
8. Put the laundry away (take random pieces of clothing and shove them in daddy's drawer, usually socks or hand towels).

Here are some pics of the sorting stage of doing laundry.

(this pic was all black. I had to mess with the exposure to get this poor quality pic, but it was the only one where he actually looked at me when I was taking the pics)

Gotta love almost-2- year olds! ALthough he makes things more difficult at times, I guess life would be too easy if I didn't have him tagging along and "helping" me do my daily chores!

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