Thursday, March 17, 2011

3 Little Leprechauns

I tried taking pics of all three kiddos wearing their green today. The key word here is TRIED :)

First, I didn't have the camera on the right setting....woops, my fault!
"JD, look at mommy." I said about a gazillion times....
"Say cheese." And of course JD does his most popular smile these days....
and again....
"JD, keep your eyes OPEN!"
And after about 30 seconds, it turned into this....
and then some of this....
But I did get two decent pictures out of it....

I figure, "hey the more I take, the more pics I can get of all three of them looking and smiling at the same time"....right????

I love these little leprechauns....Happy St. Patty's Day!


Crystyne said...

I was going to get pictures of my kids in their green. I tell Jeff that I wanted to get pictures of them BEFORE he put her in her pjs So what does he do? Puts her in her pjs about 30 seconds after telling him this. MEN! We LOVE 'em don't we?

Crystyne said...

Needless to say, I didn't get any pictures. (sigh)