Monday, April 4, 2011


So, I said I would update you all every once in a while on my progress. Also, I use this blog as my journal so I need to document it. If you don't care, well then, don't read the rest of this post :).

I have been exercising for exactly 4 weeks now and have now lost 7.8 lbs. YAY! I feel much better in every way. I have passed my first goal- get to the weight I was about 3 years ago, before I got preggo and had JD. My next goal is to hit the 10 lb mark. I'm hoping to do that in the next two weeks. My final goal is minus 30 lbs, but I I set small goals so I can eventually hit my ultimate goal while feeling successful all the way through. My mom says I look like I've lost more weight than the scale tells me (but she is my mom and probably just trying to make me feel good). Anyways, that's my update. Yay for success and feeling good and for following through with my goal to get healthier!