Monday, May 2, 2011

Blake's music concert

Blake had his First Grade music concert tonight. Spencer informed me earlier in the day that he would not be able to attend because of a work obligation and so I asked my mom to come and help me out, which I am so glad I did (you'll find out why below). The concert was really cute and he did an awesome job even though JD was being a HUMUNGOUS stinker. We had to get there early for Blake's line-up and to get a seat. JD wanted to "walk" which really means "run as fast as you can and try to get away." Every time the outside door opened, he'd try to escape. If I picked him up, he'd scream. I tried bringing him into the multi-purpose room to sit, he'd scream "WALK!!!." Not to mention about 100 people were looking at me like "shut that kid up. Control him. What's wrong with you?" And all of you know how much I like attention drawn to myself. Right. All of this before the concert even started. I was to the point of just leaving, however, Blake still had to perform. So anyways, mom came out to the hall about 5 minutes to 7 and tried to take him so I could watch the concert. He screamed louder. I asked her to take him home if he didn't calm down. And that's exactly what ended up happening. So Blake, Ry, and I walked home in the cold rain. Nothing really knew to me. I walk in bad weather all the time, but it just added to my bad night. Oh, I forgot to mention something important. When they came on stage and I went to take pictures, my camera wouldn't work. Yeah. And all of you also know what a huge deal that is to me. Taking photos is my hobby, my favorite thing to do. I was mad. I was able to get a couple pics, but they are bad and the zoom button won't work anymore. Bad night. Good thing the 7 year olds sang so darn cute.

Here are the two bad photos. Blake is in the center of the photo, wearing a black hat. He had the part of Jack Be Nimble. It was cute. He kept jumping over the candlestick, but of course, I couldn't capture it because of my dumb camera!
Here he is, playing the tambourine. He did great.
Yeah nice pictures huh? Grrrrrrrrrr!

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