Friday, May 6, 2011

On my mind...

So, I've had something pressing on my mind. For a few months now, I've been pretty worried about little miss Rylee. She is pale all the time and has these dark circles under her eyes. So that was concerning to me, but my concern went up a notch a couple weeks ago during Blake's after school running practice. I was at my post (as a volunteer, I stood at one corner of the school while the kids ran). Rylee wanted to run too so I let her. After I had seen Blake on his 5th lap and still hadn't seen Rylee, I started to look for her. I was worried. I finally spotted her, but she was still on the other side of the field. By the times she got to me, she was as white as a ghost and exhausted. But she hadn't even been running and this was her first lap (while Blake was on his 7th). I made her sit down and I gave her water. Everyday we continued to go to his practices, Rylee always had the desire to run too, but could never finish a lap. That's the thing, she is like this with every activity. She wants to, she tries it, but than she can't finish it.
She complains at least 5 times a week about ankle pain and back pain, especially while doing some sort of physical work/activity.
Also for the last 2 weeks, she's been different. She won't sleep in her room, she won't go downstairs and play by herself, she's been VERY moody, emotional, and irritable. But if she isn't ever feeing well, then that would make sense. If I didn't ever feel well, I am sure I'd be the same way.
A week and a half ago, I got her into the doctor. He was also concerned with what I was telling him and ordered blood tests and and ankle x-ray. We got the blood test back and he said they were all negative except for her kidney function numbers were a little high, but not high enough to be concerned. (He actually talked to my hubby, so this is what I understood from what was relayed to me). I was actually surprised because I was thinking she had anemia or something. He wanted to talk to the child foot dr to go over the results of the x-ray. When the nurse called me to tell me the Dr. wanted her to get an MRI on her foot, she told me the name of what they found, but it was like a bajillion words long so I couldn't remember. Yesterday they called to set up the appointment with the pediatric unit at Sacred Heart, I overheard her tell the hospital what it was. It was still a bajillion words long, but I caught on to a few and wrote them down. "Lucency, lateral, aspect." Well, Google is no longer my friend. I should not have looked anything up. Lucency is described as "lucency or opaqueness is the degree of "blackness" of a structure (bone or tissue) in a Radiograph. If bones becomes "darker" they loss calcium and become more poress (holes with air) and thus, look darker as air or fat looks dark in a Radiograph. If bone is "whiter" it mean more opaque thus, there is more calcium deposits, thus stronger." The more I read, the more it told me about bone cancer, tumors, etc. You add all this ankle stuff with how pale she is all the time, her fatigue, etc., well, it freaks me out.

For a couple months now I have felt something was wrong. But right now I am struggling with whether I am just a paranoid, overcautious mom (which I know I kinda am) or if it's mother's intuition/ the Spirit, that is telling me there is something wrong. I am afraid to pray about an answer of whether she is sick for a couple of reasons 1) I don't really want to know because I don't want her to be sick and if I ask, I may get an answer 2)Will the answer I get really be the Lord's answer or my fears and how would I discern between the two? 3) and heaven forbid something is wrong, there is nothing I can do about it until after the Dr.'s appointment so why find out now and worry more... right???

We have to wait until June 17th before her MRI appointment. That's a long time! And then even longer to find out the results.

What do you think? WOuld you guys be worried with all these symptoms, or am I just a crazy mom? Oh, and here are some pics of how pale she looks all the time.

This one was from last Sunday
This pic shows how pale she is and you can also see the dark circles under her eyes...

Also, what happens if everything is OK on the MRI(which I am hoping for)? I feel something is wrong, what do I do if everything is negative, but I still feel something isn't right? What would you guys do?


D and C said...

I am so sorry for the stress and emotional distress you must be going through. That is just insane, to even consider having to find out that there might be something going on with your child. You are an INCREDIBLE Mother Heather. Your instincts are always right on, so trust yourself.
The other day Emma was acting very strange, not herself. EVERYONE including Christian said she was fine, but I just felt something in my GUT wasn't right. Although the turnout is NOTHING compared to what you are going through, it turned out that the tube in her right ear fell out and she had a raging ear infection!!! LISTEN TO YOUR INSTINCTS. Heavenly Father blessed us with them for a reason. If you need to chat, I am here. I LOVE YOU! Give her a BIG hug for me.
We are praying for you guys.

Crystyne said...

I agree with everything she said.
You need to listen to your instincts and follow the spirit. Heavenly Father has given Rylee to you for a reason and he would never leave you to figure everything out by yourself. He is there to help you. I understand you not want to pray about the situation, but you need to. He is there waiting to comfort and guide you.
I will be praying for you and Rylee.

Unknown said...

You won't be going through this alone....whatever "this" is. You don't need to pray to know there is something wrong...pray for strength and ability to handle whatever is coming your way. And hopefully, what is coming, is only good things.