Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Mother's Day

I had a wonderful day today. I woke up to my hubby making breakfast with the kids (which I helped with so we could eat at a reasonable time because breakfast takes so long to make if it's not cereal).

While Spencer was making breakfast, Blake sang me a song.

I got a couple love notes and cards from the kids and my honey. The kids (aka Grandma) got me a huge bag of peanut butter m&ms. I also got a new camera. A fancy new camera (thanks honey. I ABSOLUTELY love it).

So here are some pics that I took with my new toy of some of the people I love the most in my life....

Blake wearing his new suite that I got for $7.50 on clearance, yep that's right, a shirt, tie, slacks, and vest for $7.50! Doesn't he look so handsome????
I love my little princess!!!
The kids kept wanting to do silly photos this here is one of the many! I kinda look like I'm pooing, I don't really know how to take a silly photo without looking constipated :)
I LOVE being a mom!!!
And I love my mom! I took a picture of my beautiful mama with my new camera! Happy Mother's Day mom and all you other mother's out there! I hope you felt as special as I did today!

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