Saturday, May 7, 2011


Moms are amazing. But my mom is BEYOND amazing. I have been truly blessed with the best mom anyone could ever ask for. She is there for me (and my kids) every time we need something. She is the greatest example to me of an incredible mother and woman. Everything I have ever learned about being a mom has come from watching her and learning from her. She has so much knowledge, so much faith, and so much love. I thank my Heavenly Father every day that she is my mom and a best friend. Thanks for being BEYOND amazing mom. I love you.

I am also very blessed to be a mother myself. Two of my sisters and a couple of friends wrote some things to me the other day telling me how wonderful I am as a mother. It was hard to read, only because I see that I can be SO MUCH better. There are many things I lack and many things I can improve on. I can be more patient. More understanding. More of an example to them. I should follow more of my mom's example.
My kids mean EVERYTHING to me! Everything I do every single day is for them. They are my life. I love being a mom more than I can adequately express. I love spending time with them. I love their cuddles. I love the funny things they say. I love their sweet dispositions. I love their blossoming testimonies. I love how much they love. I love that we have them for eternity. I love you Blake, Rylee, and Jaxton. Thank you for allowing me to be your mommy! I am truly blessed!

1 comment:

D and C said...

You are a FANTASTIC Mother. One that I take notes from on a regular basis. I LOVE YOU!!!
Happy Mother's DaY.