Friday, May 20, 2011

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Brower

Although the kids and I were not able to go to Texas with Spencer this past week and see the fam, the kids still felt the love from their Grandma and Grandpa. Daddy showed up with a new outfit for all 3 of the kiddos from them and JD got a brand new homemade quilt.

Blake showing off his cool new basketball outfit!
Rylee in her new clothes (although I didn't get her cute shorts in this pic. Silly me)
So this afternoon I thought "oh, I should take a pic of the kids in their new clothes...ALTOGETHER." Well this is a little photo op of how that went...

JD didn't really want to happily participate in this endeavor...and I love Ry's facial expression in this pic
But I REALLY wanted a pic of the 3 of them, so I kept trying

and trying...hoping that he would wanna say cheese....
But no, he never was happy. So these pics are as good as they get today....
Finally I had to just settle with a pic of two of them, but Rylee was no longer happy and willing to take pictures :)
and here are some pics of JD with his new quilt

He absolutely LOVES his new blankie. He has been sleeping with it since Wednesday. Grandma did an awesome job (as always) with this quilt. She has an amazing talent and we LOVE benefiting from it :)

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for the outfits and the blanket. We miss you tremendously and hope and pray to see you sooner rather than later. We love you so much!!!

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