Monday, August 22, 2011

Our little Poet, and we didn't even know it!

I went to tuck Blake in tonight and he told me he was writing me a story and needed to finish, so I let him, and this is what he wrote:

Me and Mom

Mom, mom, I want your hand
I could hold it til the end

Mom, mom I want your hugs
hug, hug, hug like a bug

But what I like most about you mom
is you love me and I love you.

He is such a sweetheart! And wow, writing poetry at the age of 7...pretty darn amazing to me! I did correct the spelling and added the commas where he was pausing when reading it! It was even cuter to hear him read it! He read it as a poem and it had such a nice little rhythm. When he was done reading it to almost everyone in the house, he was beaming and said "mom, I'm a true artist." Yes. Yes Blake. You are a true artist!

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