Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Day of School 2011

I thought I'd go down memory lane for a moment before I get to this years pics...

Blake 2009, Kindergarten

Rylee 2010, Preschool
Blake 2010, First Grade

Blake and Rylee 2011, 2nd Grade and Kindergarten
JD wanted a picture too!

They were very excited! No tears at all this year from me or the kids! Blake was a little nervous due to the fact that he has two know bullies/kids with behavior issues in his class. But he was excited to see his old friends, meet new ones, and learn. Rylee just felt like a big girl and was like "see ya, mom!" She did give me a hug and kiss and said "I love you." I am happy she is so independent, even when it means she is so stubborn at home sometimes :) Now I need to go in the kitchen and do our tradition of making homemade cookies for when they get home! I love them and hope they have an amazing year!


Anonymous said...

can you believe we have school-aged kids???? Hope they have a great year!!!

Crystyne said...

Seriously, when did they grow up and start going to school? I don't know about you, but I am not old enough to have kids in school.