Thursday, March 17, 2011

On my toes

JD is a sweet little boy, but boy does he keep me on my toes. He is into EVERYTHING all of the time! Here is a little synopsis of just a TWO HOUR span from the other evening.

In the couple hours before his bedtime
*he got into the flour and yeast mixture and rubbed it in his hair,
*poured milk on his sister's head,
*played in the toilet water (changed him)
*unrolled almost a whole roll of TP from the bathroom into the living room,
*got ahold of the toothpaste and started eating it,
* got soaking wet from the dish water, (changed him)
*got into more flour (I was baking bread)
*climbed back into the bath after he was in his jammies and his sister was still in there (changed him again).
Let's see, the list could really go on and on. I just have to leave him unattended for 2 seconds and he's into something. You may ask, why does he have access to the bathroom? The answer: his brother and sister do not shut the door all the time like I tell them to!
He climbs onto and into EVERYTHING! If he can't reach it, he pushes something to it, so he can. He never walks...he just runs. I am amazed that we have not yet gone to the ER yet with him. Anyways, here are a couple pics of what I have caught him doing lately...

In the sink, right after I did dishes
in the laundry

In the yeast mixture
In the flour

Climbing on the counter
Oh, I even took him in to the Dr. yesterday (he has another ear infection). He kept getting into the gloves and using them as tissue (blowing his nose). Then when the Dr. gave him tissue, he started getting into more tissue. He also kept opening the sink cupboard and trying to get in there playing with the random things under there, and then kept lifting the lid to the yucky trash can. Needless to say, I was standing and moving through the whole appointment and that's when the Dr. was like "wow, what is he like when he's not sick?" and I told him "he's even more all over the place!"


D and C said...

HA HA. Good thing he is so cute!!! Love that little boy.

Crystyne said...

I am SO sorry! You know what they say though. Boy are suppose to be harder as toddlers then get easier when they are teens. Hopefully this is true, I'd hate to see how he is if it doesn't get better.