Saturday, March 5, 2011

The time has FINALLY come

For the past 3 years I have tried and tried and tried to get this beautiful little girl to wear jeans, or at least something other than "comfy pants." (Comfy pants is defined as: a pair of pants that are made of soft and comfortable material; they must have an elastic waist and there can not be a button or snap on it, even if it's just for decoration).
Well, last week while she was picking out something to wear, she came across the cute jeans that had been sitting in her drawer for the last year (I bought them last year HOPING she would wear them, but to no avail). But the time has come my friends. She wanted to wear them that day and has continued to want to look "cute in my jeans" every day since then. I even had to go buy a second pair of jeans this week and she is asking for more!
I really thought this day would never come! I am so happy...LOL! And look how old she looks! Yay to wearing jeans. Boo to looking like she is 15!

1 comment:

Crystyne said...

Mason is kinda the same way, he will only wear his jeans when all his comfy pants are dirty.