Wednesday, April 27, 2011

JD's 2 year stats

JD had his 2 year old check up today.
He is 26 lbs (24th percentile)
34 inches (36 percentile)
He his on track with everything physically and developmentally ( actually, he is above everything if you look at the "where he is supposed to be at developmentally" sheet.

He has a ton of energy and runs everywhere, all of the time. It's a good thing I am trying to get in shape, because I have a feeling the next year I will be running after him a lot!

We went to Walmart right before the appointment and he was saying "hello" to everyone he saw and "adios" when we would leave an aisle.

He is a joy on our lives and has the cutest, funniest, and sweetest personality! we love him!
Rylee was also seen today. I had a few concerns with her fatigue and paleness ALL the time, especially after she walks or tries to do a physical activity. The doctor was also concerned and is doing a bunch of lab work. Some of the things he mentioned he is looking at is her kidney function, liver, anemia, white blood cells, rheumatoid arthritis and some others...Just keep he in your prayers please. I am a little stressed and I just want her feeling better....


D and C said...

She is totally in our prayers. Give all 3 of them a hug for me.
love you girly.

Crystyne said...

Will do.