Tuesday, March 27, 2012


We're moving to Rexburg! Spencer got a promotion and so we are packing up and moving. Possibly as soon as May. I am excited, Spencer is very excited, Rylee and JD are kinda just going with it, and Blake has happy days and sad days about moving. I, of course will miss my family and friends here, but we know this is the right thing for our family. A lot of people are asking what mom and dad are doing. Well, the short answer is: They want to move with us. We are not forcing, asking, guilting :) or doing anything to make them feel like they have to come with us. They want to, so we are taking them too.

Oh and we are going here tomorrow



1 comment:

Crystyne said...

Boo! Now I will have one more reason to go on a road trip to Rexburg. Maybe I can talk Kimberlee in to going with me???