Sunday, June 3, 2012

The past 60+ days

I guess I'll start with the most recent since that is how the pictures downloaded :)
JD has been potty training and I am happy to report that today was our first COMPLETELY successful day potty training.  Absolutely NO accidents and he went every time in the toilet (even at church)!  YAYYYYY!!!!

This past memorial Day weekend we went down to Utah to visit our best friends from college.  Deanna took some pics of us around temple square.

 We live about 3 miles round trip (walking) from the Rexburg Temple, so the kids and I have walked there a couple times since we've been here.  They love the walk
Jaxton got super sick right after we moved here.  It was a really scary.  We didn't have a doctor and I didn't know who was in network and while I was on the phone with insurance the operator transfered me to a nurse because she could hear how awful JD sounded.  The nurse talked to me for a few minutes and she heard him and she asked me to call an ambulance.  That's how bad he was breathing.  I called Spencer and we rushed him to urgent care.  He was diagnosed with severe croup.  One of the worst the doctor had ever seen.  He said that for him to be "this bad" in the middle of the day is not good since croup is always worse in the wee hours of the morning.  He got a steroid shot right at the office and within 24 hours he was breathing better.  He stayed semi sick for about another week.  
He was still sick that Sunday, so he couldn't go to church, but Rylee wanted to pose for the camera (surprise, surprise) and so did JD

Rylee graduated from Kindergarten.  Wow!  I can't believe how fast kids grow!!  Here are some pics of her on her kindergarten graduation day 

 Blake is doing well with meeting new people and being the handsome, amazing boy he is.  The curriculum is quite different here.  They are already doing multiplication and division, borrowing and carrying.  All very foreign concepts for him since they weren't even close to doing that in Spokane.  He starts summer school tomorrow for the month of June to help him be ready for 3rd grade in the fall.  His teacher is very impressed with how fast he is catching on.  He has already had a girl or two tell him "they officially like him as a boyfriend."  When I asked him what that means he said "you know, they think I'm pretty cute.....and nice....and they think I run fast." lol
 The kids have had many sleepovers together.  This pic cracks me up because Blake is over sleeping on the bookshelf, Ry is posing and JD is picking his nose!
 JD is my little helper....even when it causes MORE work for me

On May 5th we moved!  This is a pic of JD in the van....jam packed, the day we moved to Rexburg.  Two U hauls, and a van later and we still had to leave things behind :(  We should have gotten two BIG U hauls...or gotten rid of even MORE stuff!!!

 Here are some pics of our new home that we are renting (still praying for our house in Spokane to sell)
 The backyard is huge and it takes about 2 hours to mow!!!

Some cute pics of the kids

 The kids helping me in Spokane get the house ready to sell....Spence was gone for about 4 weeks, so I was having to do a lot on my own!
 JD and his "Jada hair."  This picture always makes me laugh

Jaxton turned 3 on April 12.  I can't believe my baby is 3!  Daddy was living away from us so we just had him open a couple presents and went to dinner.  I was a bad mom and forgot to bake or buy him a cake (I had a lot on my plate with painting, packing, cleaning, and dejunking)  Sorry bud!

At the end of March we went to Disenyland!  It was the best trip ever and the kids were awesome.  Most of our pics are on Spencer's computer so I am going to have to do a separate post just for that trip. Plus there are hundreds of pics.  Here are a couple I got with my phone.
First day at Disneyland, we came back to the hotel and JD was just so tired!
 Riding bumper cars in a Bug's Life

 Right before the World of Color....again so pooped!
 on the train
 Swimming at Aunt Sonja's 
 San Diego Zoo

And we spent some time at the ocean..  We had a blast.  More pics to come

Well, that's the past 2 months in a nutshell.

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